The path here was not linear. My love of science, the body, and its miraculous design fuels the drive to learn. A curiosity to view healthcare through a different lens led me to functional medicine and epigenetics. This informed the path to helping my own body heal, and in turn my purpose of helping others heal.

My body has been sending messages all along. I’m getting better at listening, and giving thanks for its persistence.
Pathological Change is always preceded by biological change.
Which is to say that chronic dysfunction (disease) is always preceded by cellular deficit (nutrient shortfall). Healthy cells create healthy tissues, which build healthy organs, and organ systems. In providing the cells with what they need, we can help rebalance the systems of the body, in stimulating resonance and resilience. How?
It all starts with our story. And mine includes a hypothyroid condition (Hashimoto’s).
Symptoms of low functioning thyroid (any or all of the following):
cold intolerance (cold hands/feet), constipation, cramps (muscle aches), depressive episodes, dry skin (flaky), hair loss, irritability, low energy, weight gain (unexplained), lower ambition, and more. If you think your symptoms are related to thyroid dysfunction, let’s explore this together with a 20-minute FREE DISCOVERY CALL.
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