Pet Health & Wellness Begins with the Food: Pet Food Failings

Home Activities for Your Dog – Stimulate the Brain!
Why Add Stimulation to Their Day? Anytime you can add activities for your dog, you’re stimulating their brain and cognitive abilities, encouraging movement and interest in the world around them. Additionally, you will be reducing the chance of skulduggery due to boredom or restlessness. Consider that as humans we get varied stimulation throughout our day; this could be in the form of cooking, talking with a mate or a friend, going to an office, or stimulated by activities such...
Dog Ideal Weight – Assessing Fido’s Waistline The time with our canines is not long, yet there are ways to make the road longer. According to the latest data, on average, 59% of adult dogs are obese.(1) Yet, what is considered overweight? How can you determine if your dog is at an ideal weight? What is a healthy weight for him/her? We can determine this, easy peasy, with the Fist Test. What is the Fist Test? This is an...
How to Switch Dog Food – Diversity at Dinner: Transitioning Fido’s Food
How to Switch Dog Food & Dispelling Some Myths Before we discuss a safe and effective way how to switch dog food from their current diet to a new one and embrace diversity at dinnertime, let’s first address common questions and dispel some myths surrounding switching your dog’s (or cat’s) food. Is it ok to switch your dog’s food? Can you switch dog food flavors? Will changing dog food cause diarrhea? The story goes that switching your dogs’ food...
More Love, Less Sugar We could all benefit from more love, less sugar, more savory to sugary snacks. This is about bringing sweet treats into a rare, novel category rather than routine and expected. Not only can this improve overall health, but your cravings for sweets will drop and satiety will increase! If you have a child who looooves sugar, this post is for you. I’m writing to you today after having taken a midday walk with my dog...
As we re-enter the world, how will you elicit your comfort & calm? Several clients and friends have recently expressed some anxiety, apprehension, or an uneasiness about “getting back out into the world.” What they’re experiencing, from what I gather, stands apart from stress of the world opening up again (businesses reopening, mask mandates lifting, etc). This is more about identity, normalcy, and a distaste for being too busy (again). The Pause The closing down (during the pandemic) inserted...
Your body needs more than a good hand-washing. What is immunity and how do we get to a place with a strong immune system? It’s a complex question with multi-faceted answers, but let’s keep it simple. There are proven primers to boost the immune system. These involve components of food, herbs & botanicals, superfoods, Many of these primers have been known a long time, and some have been highlighted through the research of the novel coronovirus (C*vid-19). If you’re...
History Informs the Mystery Thinking back to March of 2020, the quick response to mobilize a country, and a world, out of our cars, away from people, and into our homes, that was quite a feat. This makes me ponder how far-reaching our efforts could be to mobilize around other aspects of our lives when our health is at stake. Why were some unaffected when infected? How do some bodies clear the virus and others cannot? What natural and...