How Will We As Individuals Process the Change?
It strikes me just how unique is this moment in history. When there are life-altering, cataclysmic events, like Darfur’s genocide, hurricanes in Puerto Rico, the tsunami in Japan, unless one lived in those regions of the world or knew people living there, it was tough to really understand what the people of these places experienced.
With this current situation, we truly are all in this together! There is a relatability that crosses the globe. Whether you’re conservative or liberal, libertarian or a librarian, resident or refugee, Spaniard or Slovakian, we are all experiencing a similar story; being asked to stay home, many businesses in our cities closed (beginning to reopen or just opened), lines outside the grocery stores, and donning masks is now commonplace. There is a re-routing of life as we’d known it.
What is/was normal anyway?
Weathering change is ingrained in animals. We as animals have been enduring change since the beginning of our existence. I wonder how this increased awareness will cross-pollinate for collective change. A friend said recently, “hopefully this is mother nature’s way of showing us what’s important.”
What this time of solitude beckons is a coming home. Not just physical confinement to home, but internally as well. Home to ourselves. For many of us, this solitude provides some space between our home life and work life, between ourselves and others. As we begin to schedule our time with others, we can be more aware of who we spend time with and what we spend time doing. For me, I want to be more selective.
Have you enjoyed having a nearly empty calendar? When does quality replace quantity? Will cooking at home with family, friends, your dog, replace grabbing fast food on the way home? Will a jigsaw puzzle be the substitute to perusing facebook? And a video chat take place of a typical phone call. Who and what is inspiring to you in your life?
If you’re confuzzled (confused & puzzled) at the changes taking place and not sure how to reenter society, let’s take a wellness walk together. A basic assessment of your ENERGY & METABOLISM STATUS can point us in the right direction for what your body needs to help process this change and move forward.
“A thought is harmless unless we believe it.”
– byron katie