How to Switch Dog Food – Diversity at Dinner: Transitioning Fido’s Food

More Love, Less Sugar We could all benefit from more love, less sugar, more savory to sugary snacks. This is about bringing sweet treats into a rare, novel category rather than routine and expected. Not only can this improve overall health, but your cravings for sweets will drop and satiety will increase! If you have a child who looooves sugar, this post is for you. I’m writing to you today after having taken a midday walk with my dog...
There is no one size fits all. Though there is one size fits YOU. For now, let’s discuss two ways of eating and tease out the take-home concepts that may help in your health, healing, and life-gevity. Anti-inflammatory Diets Two well-studied anti-inflammatory diets are the Mediterranean diet and the diet of the Okinawan people. The Mediterranean diet centers around more protein and fats like olive oil while the Okinawans consume more carbohydrates in the form of root vegetables than protein....